2020 medium-and long-term plan Work-Shop
Page Info.
- Writer : 관리자
- Date : 22-01-20 11:29
- Hit : 815
For the 2020 medium-and long-term plan SBIC, SBP&T and SB-China all executive team member join the Work-Shop at May 23~24 in Hong-cheon Sonofelice.
In the Work-Shop local sales, overseas sales and R&D executive directors had have a presentation and discussion about the agenda of ‘To build a future plan for Sungbo’s 45 years’
And also The performance Co., Ltd (C.E.O) Ryu, Rang-do had have a speech of ‘Executive director’s role and mind-set’.
The entire applicants said “it was very valued time for reviewing and resetting their own career way to go”.