Discussion of Korea and Japan-Industrial Part and Material
Page Info.
- Writer : 관리자
- Date : 22-01-20 11:28
- Hit : 763
The company officials representative Part-Material Industries of Korea and Japan
had a meeting at Seoul Renaissance Hotel on April 14th, to address issues of Part-
Material Industries, while the financial crisis of United States is still imminent and
apparent that there has been any relative solution to this down economic condition.
The Chief Executive Officer of our company, JungSuk Oh, a panelist in this meeting,
clarified his views of the company’s previous marketing initiation success in Japan,
and how the government proposed plan can further support the Part-Material
Industries to expand their markets in Japan.
□ Details □
- Meeting Purpose: Discuss importance of collaborative effort between Korea
and Japan, and a market globalization through International
Industrial Part Material Industries
- Place : Seoul Renaissance Hotel
- Date & Time : Tuesday, April 14th, 2009 15:00- 17:00
- Attendants
* Chairman : Chulhwan Sung, A Senior Editor in Maeil Economy Newpaper
* Representatives from Korea : Seok Cho, Head of Growth Engine
Section/Department of Knowledge of Economics Jungsuk Oh, CEO of
Sungbo P&T & Sungbo Industrial Co., Ltd. Joonseok Jung, President of Korea
Material & Components Industry Agency Youngho Bae, CEO of Kolon
* Representatives from Japan : Wakai Suzie, CEO of Korea Niken
Dakaski Nobuya, Senior Advisor of Kim&Jang (Former Chief Director of
Seoul-Japan Club)