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The activity of watching baseball game at the first half of 2014

Page Info.

  • Writer : 관리자
  • Date : 22-01-20 11:30
  • Hit : 836


June 5th, the president and all staffs of SUNGBO watched baseball game with having barbeque at BBQ zone in Incheon Munhak stadium.


All of us gave an passionate cheer for SK Wyverns which is Incheon's home team, and SK Wyverns won the game against Doosan Bears with a score of 4:2.


This activity was great opportunity for communication across departments. It is also expected to improve work efficiency through relaxation of the job stress. Furthermore, it would be a great chance to chage monotonous atmosphere of get-together events through these kinds of activities.


This kind of event will be scheduled for SB P&T in the latter half of the year.

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