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“2nd half of 2014” watching baseball game

Page Info.

  • Writer : 관리자
  • Date : 22-01-20 11:31
  • Hit : 1,040


Sungbo’s President and Executives & staffs watched a baseball game as a cultural event of company.



The match was SK wyverns and Doosan Bears in Incheon-Munhak-Stadium at Oct.13 18:30; in specially company served BBQ-zone and BBQ foods for additional fun to watch the game.



Sungbo members cheered on SK wyverns which is home-team for Incheon, finally SK wyverns won the game as a 7:6 scores.



It was a good moment of interchanging between SBIC and SBP&T, and also from this event we expects to off the stress; good effect for enhancing working efficiency.



President mentioned he will continuously try to make this kind of cultural events to increase working benefits.

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